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Build date: 2013-05-16 14:36:50 (f9be68accb407158ba2b1be2c226a6ce1f649314)
 * @author Ed Spencer
 * TabBar is used internally by a {@link Ext.tab.Panel TabPanel} and typically should not need to be created manually.
 * The tab bar automatically removes the default title provided by {@link Ext.panel.Header}
Ext.define('Ext.tab.Bar', {
    extend: 'Ext.panel.Header',
    alias: 'widget.tabbar',
    baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'tab-bar',

    requires: [

     * @property {Boolean} isTabBar
     * `true` in this class to identify an object as an instantiated Tab Bar, or subclass thereof.
    isTabBar: true,
     * @cfg {String} title @hide
     * @cfg {String} iconCls @hide

    // @private
    defaultType: 'tab',

     * @cfg {Boolean} plain
     * True to not show the full background on the tabbar
    plain: false,

    childEls: [
        'body', 'strip'

    // @private
    renderTpl: [
        '<div id="{id}-body" class="{baseCls}-body {bodyCls} {bodyTargetCls}{childElCls}<tpl if="ui"> {baseCls}-body-{ui}<tpl for="uiCls"> {parent.baseCls}-body-{parent.ui}-{.}</tpl></tpl>"<tpl if="bodyStyle"> style="{bodyStyle}"</tpl>>',
        '<div id="{id}-strip" class="{baseCls}-strip {baseCls}-strip-{dock}{childElCls}',
            '<tpl if="ui"> {baseCls}-strip-{ui}',
                '<tpl for="uiCls"> {parent.baseCls}-strip-{parent.ui}-{.}</tpl>',

     * @cfg {Number} minTabWidth
     * The minimum width for a tab in this tab Bar. Defaults to the tab Panel's {@link Ext.tab.Panel#minTabWidth minTabWidth} value.
     * @deprecated This config is deprecated. It is much easier to use the {@link Ext.tab.Panel#minTabWidth minTabWidth} config on the TabPanel.

     * @cfg {Number} maxTabWidth
     * The maximum width for a tab in this tab Bar. Defaults to the tab Panel's {@link Ext.tab.Panel#maxTabWidth maxTabWidth} value.
     * @deprecated This config is deprecated. It is much easier to use the {@link Ext.tab.Panel#maxTabWidth maxTabWidth} config on the TabPanel.

    _reverseDockNames: {
        left: 'right',
        right: 'left'

    // @private
    initComponent: function() {
        var me = this;

        if (me.plain) {
            me.addCls(me.baseCls + '-plain');


             * @event change
             * Fired when the currently-active tab has changed
             * @param {Ext.tab.Bar} tabBar The TabBar
             * @param {Ext.tab.Tab} tab The new Tab
             * @param {Ext.Component} card The card that was just shown in the TabPanel

        // Element onClick listener added by Header base class
        Ext.merge(me.layout, me.initialConfig.layout);

        // TabBar must override the Header's align setting.
        me.layout.align = (me.orientation == 'vertical') ? 'left' : 'top';
        me.layout.overflowHandler = new Ext.layout.container.boxOverflow.Scroller(me.layout);

        delete me.titleCmp;

        Ext.apply(me.renderData, {
            bodyCls: me.bodyCls,
            dock: me.dock

    onRender: function() {
        var me = this;


        if (me.orientation === 'vertical' && (Ext.isIE8 || Ext.isIE9) && Ext.isStrict) {
                mousemove: me.onMouseMove, 
                scope: me

    afterRender: function() {
        var layout = this.layout;

        if (Ext.isIE9 && Ext.isStrict && this.orientation === 'vertical') {
            // EXTJSIV-8765: focusing a vertically-oriented tab in IE9 strict can cause
            // the innerCt to scroll if the tabs have bordering.  
            layout.innerCt.on('scroll', function() {
                layout.innerCt.dom.scrollLeft = 0;

    afterLayout: function() {

    adjustTabPositions: function() {
        var items = this.items.items,
            i = items.length,

        // When tabs are rotated vertically we don't have a reliable way to position
        // them using CSS in modern browsers.  This is because of the way transform-orign
        // works - it requires the width to be known, and the width is not known in css.
        // Consequently we have to make an adjustment to the tab's position in these browsers.
        // This is similar to what we do in Ext.panel.Header#adjustTitlePosition
        if (!Ext.isIE9m) {
            if (this.dock === 'right') {
                // rotated 90 degrees around using the top left corner as the axis.
                // tabs need to be shifted to the right by their width
                while (i--) {
                    tab = items[i];
                    if (tab.isVisible()) {
                        tab.el.setStyle('left', tab.lastBox.width + 'px');
            } else if (this.dock === 'left') {
                // rotated 270 degrees around using the top left corner as the axis.
                // tabs need to be shifted down by their height
                while (i--) {
                    tab = items[i];
                    if (tab.isVisible()) {
                        tab.el.setStyle('left', -tab.lastBox.height + 'px');

    getLayout: function() {
        var me = this;
        me.layout.type = (me.orientation === 'horizontal') ? 'hbox' : 'vbox';
        return me.callParent(arguments);

    // @private
    onAdd: function(tab) {
        tab.position = this.dock;
    onRemove: function(tab) {
        var me = this;
        if (tab === me.previousTab) {
            me.previousTab = null;

    afterComponentLayout : function(width) {
        var me = this,
            needsScroll = me.needsScroll;
        if (needsScroll) {
        delete me.needsScroll;

    // @private
    onClick: function(e, target) {
        var me = this,
            tabPanel = me.tabPanel,
            tabEl, tab, isCloseClick, tabInfo;

        if (e.getTarget('.' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'box-scroller')) {

        if (me.orientation === 'vertical' && (Ext.isIE8 || Ext.isIE9) && Ext.isStrict) {
            tabInfo = me.getTabInfoFromPoint(e.getXY());
            tab = tabInfo.tab;
            isCloseClick = tabInfo.close;
        } else {
            // The target might not be a valid tab el.
            tabEl = e.getTarget('.' + Ext.tab.Tab.prototype.baseCls);
            tab = tabEl && Ext.getCmp(tabEl.id);
            isCloseClick = tab && tab.closeEl && (target === tab.closeEl.dom);

        if (isCloseClick) {
        if (tab && tab.isDisabled && !tab.isDisabled()) {
            if (tab.closable && isCloseClick) {
            } else {
                if (tabPanel) {
                    // TabPanel will card setActiveTab of the TabBar
                } else {

    // private
    onMouseMove: function(e) {
        var me = this,
            overTab = me._overTab,
            tabInfo, tab;

        if (e.getTarget('.' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'box-scroller')) {

        tabInfo = me.getTabInfoFromPoint(e.getXY());
        tab = tabInfo.tab;

        if (tab !== overTab) {
            if (overTab && overTab.rendered) {
                me._overTab = null;
            if (tab) {
                me._overTab = tab;
                if (!tab.disabled) {
                    me.el.setStyle('cursor', 'pointer');
            } else {
                me.el.setStyle('cursor', 'default');

    onMouseLeave: function(e) {
        var overTab = this._overTab;

        if (overTab && overTab.rendered) {

    // @private
    // in IE8 and IE9 the clickable region of a rotated element is not its new rotated
    // position, but it's original unrotated position.  The result is that rotated tabs do
    // not capture click and mousenter/mosueleave events correctly.  This method accepts
    // an xy position and calculates if the coordinates are within a tab and if they
    // are within the tab's close icon (if any)
    getTabInfoFromPoint: function(xy) {
        var me = this,
            tabs = me.items.items,
            length = tabs.length,
            innerCt = me.layout.innerCt,
            innerCtXY = innerCt.getXY(),
            point = new Ext.util.Point(xy[0], xy[1]),
            i = 0,
            lastBox, tabRegion, closeEl, close, closeXY, closeX, closeY, closeWidth,
            closeHeight, tabX, tabY, tabWidth, tabHeight, closeRegion, isTabReversed,
            direction, tab;

        for (; i < length; i++) {
            lastBox = tabs[i].lastBox;
            tabX = innerCtXY[0] + lastBox.x;
            tabY = innerCtXY[1] - innerCt.dom.scrollTop + lastBox.y;
            tabWidth = lastBox.width;
            tabHeight = lastBox.height;
            tabRegion = new Ext.util.Region(
                tabX + tabWidth,
                tabY + tabHeight,
            if (tabRegion.contains(point)) {
                tab = tabs[i];
                closeEl = tab.closeEl;
                if (closeEl) {
                    closeXY = closeEl.getXY();
                    closeWidth = closeEl.getWidth();
                    closeHeight = closeEl.getHeight();
                    // Read the dom to determine if the contents of the tab are reversed
                    // (rotated 180 degrees).  If so, we can cache the result becuase
                    // it's safe to assume all tabs in the tabbar will be the same
                    if (me._isTabReversed === undefined) {
                        me._isTabReversed = isTabReversed =
                        // use currentStyle because getComputedStyle won't get the
                        // filter property in IE9
                        (tab.btnWrap.dom.currentStyle.filter.indexOf('rotation=2') !== -1);

                    direction = isTabReversed ? this._reverseDockNames[me.dock] : me.dock;

                    if (direction === 'right') {
                        closeX = tabX + tabWidth - ((closeXY[1] - tabY) + closeEl.getHeight()); 
                        closeY = tabY + (closeXY[0] - tabX); 
                    } else {
                        closeX = tabX + (closeXY[1] - tabY);
                        closeY = tabY + tabX + tabHeight - closeXY[0] - closeEl.getWidth();
                    closeRegion = new Ext.util.Region(
                        closeX + closeWidth,
                        closeY + closeHeight,

                    close = closeRegion.contains(point);
        return {
            tab: tab,
            close: close

     * @private
     * Closes the given tab by removing it from the TabBar and removing the corresponding card from the TabPanel
     * @param {Ext.tab.Tab} toClose The tab to close
    closeTab: function(toClose) {
        var me = this,
            card = toClose.card,
            tabPanel = me.tabPanel,

        if (card && card.fireEvent('beforeclose', card) === false) {
            return false;
        // If we are closing the active tab, revert to the previously active tab (or the previous or next enabled sibling if
        // there *is* no previously active tab, or the previously active tab is the one that's being closed or the previously
        // active tab has since been disabled)
        toActivate = me.findNextActivatable(toClose);

        // We are going to remove the associated card, and then, if that was sucessful, remove the Tab,
        // And then potentially activate another Tab. We should not layout for each of these operations.

        if (tabPanel && card) {
            // Remove the ownerCt so the tab doesn't get destroyed if the remove is successful
            // We need this so we can have the tab fire it's own close event.
            delete toClose.ownerCt;
            // we must fire 'close' before removing the card from panel, otherwise
            // the event will no loger have any listener
            card.fireEvent('close', card);
            // Remove succeeded
            if (!tabPanel.getComponent(card)) {
                 * Force the close event to fire. By the time this function returns,
                 * the tab is already destroyed and all listeners have been purged
                 * so the tab can't fire itself.
            } else {
                // Restore the ownerCt from above
                toClose.ownerCt = me;
                return false;

        // If we are closing the active tab, revert to the previously active tab (or the previous sibling or the nnext sibling)
        if (toActivate) {
            // Our owning TabPanel calls our setActiveTab method, so only call that if this Bar is being used
            // in some other context (unlikely)
            if (tabPanel) {
            } else {

    // private - used by TabPanel too.
    // Works out the next tab to activate when one tab is closed.
    findNextActivatable: function(toClose) {
        var me = this;
        if (toClose.active && me.items.getCount() > 1) {
            return (me.previousTab && me.previousTab !== toClose && !me.previousTab.disabled) ? me.previousTab : (toClose.next('tab[disabled=false]') || toClose.prev('tab[disabled=false]'));

     * @private
     * Marks the given tab as active
     * @param {Ext.tab.Tab} tab The tab to mark active
     * @param {Boolean} initial True if we're setting the tab during setup
    setActiveTab: function(tab, initial) {
        var me = this;

        if (!tab.disabled && tab !== me.activeTab) {
            if (me.activeTab) {
                if (me.activeTab.isDestroyed) {
                    me.previousTab = null;
                } else {
                    me.previousTab = me.activeTab;

            me.activeTab = tab;
            me.needsScroll = true;
            // We don't fire the change event when setting the first tab.
            // Also no need to run a layout
            if (!initial) {
                me.fireEvent('change', me, tab, tab.card);
                // Ensure that after the currently in progress layout, the active tab is scrolled into view